Christine Forner, BA, BSW, MSW



For the past 10 years Christine Forner (BA, BSW, MSW, Registered Social Worker) has specialized in working in the field of Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Dissociation.

Christine has taught both locally and internationally and has been the lead presenter for the Trauma and Dissociation 101 course offered at the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation’s (ISSTD) annual conference for the last two years.

In 2011 Christine was the recipient of the ISSTD President’s Award for her dedication to the development of the student and emerging professional committee, as well as to the society. And in 2012 Christine received a fellowship for outstanding service both to the field of dissociation and to the ISSTD.

The Quote

Christine shares some experiences which shaped and influenced her career. For starters, she had the fortune of being mentored by two incredible women in the Calgary Women’s Health Collective who were profoundly inspiring. In addition, when she began initially seeing clients, she was influenced less by a particular ideology and more by the stories her clients told.

What Led to the Specialization of Trauma?

Christine tells the story of how her early training in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SPI), allowed her to recognize the existence of her own trauma background, and it was this which fundamentally drove her into this career.

A Crucial Early Mistake

Not listening to my own intuition in my early career and being influenced by people who know very little about dissociative disorder.

Christine’s Why

Because you get to watch people being born! You get to see the most horrific things come to a place of peace and understanding.

Christine’s Advice

  • Get involved with the ISSTD!

  • Christine talks about the importance of becoming a full-spectrum therapist, by understanding not just fight and flight but freeze, as well.

Christine’s Go-To Books

Interview Links


Peter Levine, PhD


Janina Fisher, PhD